• I led production for Missing: The Search for Terry Hughes.

  • Missing is a three part adventure game that teaches the player to identify and mitigate cognitive biases.

  • We specifically addressed confirmation bias, fundamental attribution error, and bias blind spot.

  • The game was developed under the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Sirius Program.

  • Proven to be highly effective, four years of research has shown 31% immediate and 23% enduring improvement after one-hour of game play.

  • Missing was featured in a series of news and peer-reviewed publications including the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and more.

Additional Defense Projects:

  • Joint Mobile Virtual Dome for the U.S. Army’s Fires Centers of Excellence (FCoE) Fire Artillery School. This prototype used real-time data to generate a virtual environment for training purposes, accessible via Oculus VR headsets and iPads.

  • U.S. Air Force part-task trainer for The Boeing Company. This application enabled instructors to guide students through 14 in-flight emergency simulations with real-time performance assessment, leveraging Oculus headsets and tablet controls.

  • More upon request.


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