I led production for Missing: The Search for Terry Hughes.
Missing is a three part adventure game that teaches the player to identify and mitigate cognitive biases.
We specifically addressed confirmation bias, fundamental attribution error, and bias blind spot.
The game was developed under the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Sirius Program.
Proven to be highly effective, four years of research has shown 31% immediate and 23% enduring improvement after one-hour of game play.
Missing was featured in a series of news and peer-reviewed publications including the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and more.
Additional Defense Projects:
Joint Mobile Virtual Dome for the U.S. Army’s Fires Centers of Excellence (FCoE) Fire Artillery School. This prototype used real-time data to generate a virtual environment for training purposes, accessible via Oculus VR headsets and iPads.
U.S. Air Force part-task trainer for The Boeing Company. This application enabled instructors to guide students through 14 in-flight emergency simulations with real-time performance assessment, leveraging Oculus headsets and tablet controls.
More upon request.